Enhancements Aromatherapy LLC
Empowering you to enhance your health and well being with nature's medicine.

Services and Rates

Each client is assessed holistically as good health requires balance in the physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of the individual. We will help you to evaluate your lifestyle choices, to isolate and change any potential causes of ill health, and to empower you to achieve improved health.  

Wellness is sustained through prevention. Let us show you how you can achieve and sustain good health on a daily basis by following the fundamentals of good health, and using essential oils, herbs, proper diet, exercise, fresh air, sunlight, water, rest and other natural means to support a healthy lifestyle.

The therapist will present you with recommendations for your self care, including services and custom hand-blended products specific to your needs. We will work with you to develop a plan for your continued wellness in a manner that suits your lifestyle and budget.

Enhancements Aromatherapy LLC does not represent any multi-level marketing scheme or their products. 

Aromatherapy Consultations

Initial Consultation              $115/90 min.

Follow-Up Consultation      $  75/60 min.

Phone Consultations*         $  25/30 min.

   *A current client intake form must be on file. Initial consultation fee applies for first virtual or phone consultation.

Aromaflexology (not currently available)

First Appointment            $125/90 min.

(includes custom reflex cream for home care)

Follow-Up Appointment    $  60/45 min.

Intuitive Aromatherapy

Per session                     $   35/30 min.

Aromatic Active Feedback (Not currently available)

$1 per minute 30, 40 or 50 minute sessions

(includes the essential oils used in the session)

Custom Blending          $60 per hour/Call for more information

Please note: Unless otherwise noted, the prices above do not include any products prepared as result of your consultation/service. All products are custom prepared based on each individuals requirements.You will be provided a variety of options and costs upfront for you to make an educated choice that fits your budget and lifestyle.



Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
© Copyright 2025  Enhancements Aromatherapy LLC.  All rights reserved.