Enhancements Aromatherapy LLC
Empowering you to enhance your health and well being with nature's medicine.

International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy

The International Journal of Professional Holistic Aromatherapy (IJPHA) is a peer-reviewed professional journal dedicated to providing the professional holistic practitioner with useful information and resources to enhance their practice and expand their “toolbox”.  To subscribe, visit our sister site at www.ijpha.com.

Our objective                     

The IJPHA provides the reader with informative articles highlighting the practical application of essential oils, research, sustainability and ethics, integrative health, business skills, and professionalism and provides a showcase for practitioner case studies.

Each quarterly issue contains a variety of articles including (but not limited to) profiles of essential oils that are commercially available (but lesser known), chemistry, research, practical application, and how to build and maintain a thriving successful business. Articles often feature therapeutic blends, and/or personal care products; industry news, book/product reviews, and current information on issues relevant to the field of Aromatherapy and integrative healthcare.

The professional holistic Aromatherapist assesses the client’s needs physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Addressing the client's needs goes beyond the use of essential oils alone and may include herbs, homeopathic remedies, flower essences, supplements, and advice on nutrition, exercise, and techniques for improved relaxation to address the client’s body, mind, and spirit. When necessary, a practitioner may make recommendations to a client to seek complementary care from another provider or to seek advice from an integrative practitioner. The IJPHA strives to provide information and resources concerning integrative and complementary healthcare methods, as well as additional “tools” for the professional holistic Aromatherapist.

Want to know more?

For more information, send your email to editor.ijpha@gmail.com.

Interested in Advertising, Writing or Subscribing to the IJPHA? Not sure how to format your Case Studies? Not sure how to Indicate your References?  Interested in Advertising? Need Subscription Information, Writing Guidelines, and Schedule information. Visit our website at www.ijpha.com.

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